Monday, March 15, 2010

DAY 20!!!!!!

Woooooow!!!! I can't believe I've made it this far! Dang! Well, my Dad says that it takes 21 days for something to become a habit soooo.... I think it's working!
So today I drew Flower. This little cutie was pretty easy to draw. I decided to draw him where the audience first meets him in Bambi: A flower patch! I like drawing all the Bambi characters. They're really turning out cute! Wow....
I hope you like them so far!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 19

Today I drew Thumper!!! He's my fave from Bambi. I don't really remember the movie too well but I always remember Thumper's foot-pound. It always made me giggle as a little kid. I always thought he was the cutest. I mean, Bambi's adorable and all, but Thumper's much cuter (in my opinion).
He wasn't too hard to draw. The only tip I can give you about drawing him since he's pretty normal is that his head is a circle with a bean-shape to create his rounded top, but big cheeks. As I said, pretty straight forward. Good luck drawing this little guy!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 18

Today I moved on from Winnie-the-Pooh to another all-animal movie: Bambi.
Bambi was simple, yet difficult. He actually turned out a lot better than I thought he would. I'm not too sure bout his legs and their turn out, but it's only the front one that bothers me. The other ones turned out fine.
I hope you like him! :)

Day 17

AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!!! Oh. My. Goodness... Christopher Robin was soooo harrddddd.... He was worse than Owl!!!
I don't think I'm quite ready to draw people yet... At least Disney's people. Wow... I don;t even know how to describe how hard it was to draw him! GAH! It was reallllly hard!!!! I'm not sure I even like how he turned out!

Day 16

Today I drew Owl! He was the hardest Winnie-the-Pooh character thus far. I'm not sure why, but he just was.
I think it's because of the feathers. He has this weird, feathery uni-brow look going on and it was hard to draw. Other than that he wasn't too bad...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 15

Oooook.... Today was for Gopher. He was the one Winnie-the-Pooh character that I really liked to copy while speaking. I have no idea how to type it, but his whistle-s thing was so much fun to copy as a kid.
While drawing Gopher, his arms were the hardest things to draw for me. They go from really big to really small quickly. The hard part was to make them even and not to make them too buff or too sickly skinny.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 14

Today I drew Rabbit. I'm not sure if Rabbit's a boy or a girl soooo.... Rabbit is weird because of (again) its head shape. The body in itself is like a pear so it's pretty straight-forward. The nose is an absolute pain to figure out and see if it's too big, too small, not the right shape, etc...
If you attempt Rabbit, good luck!